Jan 30, 2008

The Frozen Tundra of Big Ol' WI

It was a frosty one today. Most of the schools were off (what's that like our fifth day off?) because of the plummeting temperatures. We plan to all go back to the normal schedule tomorrow- then again, Lydia and Nathan are praying for a month off. The cold isn't so bad as long as the the heater is nearby and you're not the one who has to go chase the dog outside. Don't worry. I'm not bitter. No, seriously, we are very thankful for the warm house that God has given us.
It was so cold this morning that Elise had to empty the dishwasher with mittens on. I have no idea why this dumb thing flipped the picture upside down. Just think of it metaphorically- like, our live being flipped upside down by this cold day, we have to wear mittens to protect us, and we are somehow like dishes because you know that we have to somehow relate to dishes in one way or another. Maybe it's a good thing I'm going back to school tomorrow- well yeah, ya think?


The van Rensburgs said...

NICE Lydia:)

Anonymous said...

lydia, go take your meds

Anonymous said...

who said that it was Lydia???