Dec 1, 2007

To Angie- our impatient relative

It's been snowing a whole heap up here. Did we ever tell you that we planted some new trees in the back- Lydia brought home the seeds for them after Mum sent her to town to sell the cow.

Did I mention that we bought some horses? Nathan went into town to find him a woman, but came home with these. One lone woman with seven backwoodsmen.

And our new tv? You'll never guess what loud applause this stunning hat receives. We really love it. That's why we're smiling so big in the picture- Elise and Jenna have really grown since you've been gone, probably because they've been breathing for the first time(so funny).

We got Lydia a new car for her 17 year and 1 month birthday. Right after we wasted our money on that ridiculous new tv.

Oh yeah, we got another family picture. Unfortunately, most of our family is missing at the present time, so we just got a couple of extras. Don't worry, we made sure they had the same name and each of them have a picture of their real life character in their pocket.

There Angie, I hope you're satisfied. I didn't want to take real pictures because I can't find the camera. I wish I hadn't done this because it took a really long time, but anything for you. I can't believe it takes so much work. Maybe I did it wrong. Have a great night. Peace out.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

there's like 10 people missing from our family picture, and I don't think that asking for pictures every two months is being impatient, but thanks anyways Lyds:)

Anonymous said...

speak for yourself